
Research simulator software used by universities

The r esearch driving simulator software of Carnetsoft is increasingly being used by universities. Although most applications concern human factors research done by Psychology departments, recently is has also been applied more and more in studies of autonomous driving by engineering departments. Apart from measuring all kinds of behavioural data, the software also excels in the way driving modes can be enabled. There are various levels of automation that can be simulated. For example, full automation of both lateral control (steering) and longitudinal control (speed regulation) is one of the modes a researcher can choose from and that allows studies on full autonomous driving and its effects on attention and loss of control. Its also possible to to let the simulator car steer autonomously, and a human driver then controls speed via the accelerator, brake and clutch pedals. One of the most interesting parts is where the simulator controls speed and the human driver has to steer. In

New rendering engine in driving simulator

The driving simulator of Carnetsoft will be featured with a great new rendering system that is founded in a physically based rendering solution. This results in greatly improved graphics with state of the art techniques such as ambient occlusion,  pssm shadow generation, atmospheric scattering and even time of day setting. In contemporary game engines these techniques are widely used, however, in driving simulators for training and research these high-end techniques are not often used, because of the high development costs and specialized skills required.  In physically based rendering, all objects have material properties that result in realistic lighting and shadowing, The high-end game engines that are used today, such as CryEngine and UnrealEngine , offer great tools to game developers with out-of-the box graphics facilities. A big disadvantage of these game engines is that, while its easy to make great virtual environments for developers, the development of lesson content and

Driving phobia and driving simulators

A lot of people suffer from fear of driving or driving phobia . Because of bad experiences in the past they may get panic attacks when they drive a car. They are afraid they may lose control and cause an accident where they themselves or others die. People with fear of driving avoid driving a vehicle and this has a large inpact on their mobility and freedom of movement. Phobias such as these can be treated by a behaviour therapy technique called exposure in vivo . People with fear of flying have been treated in a similar way: expose the person to the stimulus that invokes the fear and let them feel the fear for a longer period of time until the fear gradually reduces. This technique can be used effectively in a car driving simulator . A driving simulator  allows the therapist to choose the driving environment and this has a number of favourable properties: - not serious can happen in a simulator while the task resembles driving very closely - you can start with a simple task, for

Driving phobia and virtual reality techniques

A comparatively new method to treat phobias is by means of virtual reality techniques. A number of research studies have demonstrated good effects of VR in the treating of several types of phobia, such as dread of heights, fear of spiders, and claustrophobia, as well as agoraphobia. New treatment centers have been established, specialised in virtual reality ways to treat various phobias. An automobile driving simulator is similar to a Virtual Realily system, except for the helmet mounted displays (HMD's). In both types of system, a computer generated environment is presented to the customer and the consumer can connect to this world. In the circumstance of a driving simulator , you drive through the computer made world just as if you are positoned in a genuine car and you interact with other traffic participants and the street infrastructure in a very realistic but also safe way. For driving, the HMD as used in VR is not too well suited, due to risk of cybersickness that comes

Fear of driving

For clinical clinicians who treat different tensions and fears and utilize introduction treatment to treat their customers, a driving simulator system can be an instrument in the treatment of dread of driving or driving fear. Presentation treatment includes the introduction of the patient to the dreaded protest or setting with no threat, keeping in mind the end goal to defeat their uneasiness. Giving introduction treatment to individuals with dread of driving in a genuine auto in movement is troublesome by and by: the genuine danger of mischances is high and dependably includes an authorized driver teacher and also a specialist which makes the treatment sessions costly and hard to mastermind. Likewise, the traffic environment is in genuine auto in the genuine word is difficult to control, which is unquestionably not what a specialist needs. Presentation treatment in a driving test system to treat dread of driving gives the specialist a controlled virtual condition in which the custo